The Angel Moroni is the symbol of the temple. It signifies the love that Tifaga & Siniva has for their family by making the sacrifices necessary to be sealed to their children for all of time and eternity in the holy temple of the Lord. Tifaga and Siniva's love for their children was a driving force in their lives. They made every effort to care for and ensure they would all be together in the eternities. |
The paint brush is the symbol of Tifaga's trade. It emphasizes the need to develop God given talents and to use these talents to be productive and to avoid idleness. Tifaga worked as a painter to provide for his family. He also helped paint and work as a labor missionary upon arriving in Hawaii, helping to build/paint BYU-Hawaii. |
The Liahona or the compass is the symbol of Faith. It suggests the need to trust in God enough to follow Him. Tifaga and Siniva demonstrated this over and over again as they accepted callings all over the island, moving their family and traveling to where the Lord needed them. |
Praying HandsPRAYER
The praying hands are the symbol of prayer. It denotes the need to acknowledge God's hand in one's life and the dependence upon Him for all blessings. Tifaga and Siniva emulated this as they prayed for direction for their family when in Satala, and moving their large family from Samoa to Hawaii to be sealed in the Temple. |